Can I rename /photo folder that Synology Photos creates in the Shared Folders?

The title states it all. Will I lose any functionality if its renamed? Will Synology Photos stop working if its renamed?

That is a System default shared folder. It serves “Shared Space” under Photos. If you rename it, its content will be orphaned and a new /photo directory will be created if Shared Space is enabled.

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This does not seem to be a system default Shared Folder but rather a folder that is created by Synology Photos. One can rename it and another /photo directory is NOT created. The question is what kind of functionality will be lost, if any, by renaming /photo? Will Synology Photos stop working correctly?

If you activate Shared Space after renaming the photo shared folder, a new photo shared folder will be spawned when Shared Space is enabled.

IF you rename photo after enabling Shared Space, Photos is happy to continue on. Enjoy being yourself.