DSM 7.2 full volume encryption not available on DS918+

Hi all,

I’m running a DS918+ with a DX517 and im very happy with the setup and I was exited to learn that full volume encryption is coming in DSM 7.2. However, reading through the compatibility list I realized that this feature will not be supported on my DS918+. Does anyone know if there is a technical limitation that prevents this feature to be launched on my machine?

Hmmm from a technical perspective there really should not be. The software they are using is open source so its pretty easy to adapt to whatever linux box.

If I had to guess its a combination of “we have not had the bandwidth to test the CPU of old systems” and “lets get people to buy new systems” from synology

That’s what I thought but to be honest my DS918+ is still going strong. Hence I cannot reason pumping out 600€ for a new DS just for this feature. I really hope that Synology will extend the list of compatible devices for the real rollout later this year…

I just picked up a good used NAS DS918+ for a little price. I don’t like Synology’s policy of pushing to buy a new one to take advantage of the new DSM 7.2 functions.
So on Reddit found an SSH command that enables support for volume encryption : sudo synosetkeyvalue /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf support_volume_encryption=yes
Then reboot your nas and now you can encrypt your volume.

So on Reddit found an SSH command that enables support for volume encryption : sudo synosetkeyvalue /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf support_volume_encryption=yes
Then reboot your nas and now you can encrypt your volume.

Has anyone tried this and got it to work without their 918+ experiencing any negative consequences? I would love to have this feature enabled on my older synology plus model. I simply cannot afford their new models plus their stringent requirement on using Synology branded, super expensive hard drives, which is out of my reach.

Please share your experience. Really appreciate it.

Yes, I’m currently using the encrypted volume on my DS918+ without any problems.
The command I used in the control panel/task scheduler in SSH user-defined script is :
sudo synosetkeyvalue /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf support_volume_encryption yes

You’ll need to save everything first, as you’ll need to recreate the volume that could be encrypted now as an option (after rebooting the NAS).

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Thanks, Sebastien. I got it working. Really appreciate your feedback.