How to backup up my public Website to my synology?

In one of Will’s videos I remember him mentioning that you can use your Synology NAS to back up your entire website using Active Business backup. I can’t seem to find that option. Can anybody guide me in that direction.
Note: I don’t have any databases or content management systems. I want to literally copy all the files under public_html, that’s it.

I don’t have a NAS (planning to get one) - so take this with a bucket of salt and I hope to be corrected (and learn something too myself):

If your site is hosted on a server (that is not your NAS), I suppose you could configure FTP backups.

  • my FTP backup config for DirectAdmin
    io.bikegremlin .com/21406/directadmin-backup-automation/
  • and for cPanel
    io.bikegremlin .com/21143/cpanel-reseller-hosting-backup-automation/

For now, I’m backing up to a Hetzner Storage Box

  • my long-winded drivel on that with all its pros and cons - it’s 1 TB for about $4 per month, enough for about 30 websites:
    io.bikegremlin .com/20986/hetzner-storage-box-explained/

I suppose you could configure your NAS to work as an FTP server.
According to Synology, you need to configure port forwarding on your router for that to work.

My ISP router won’t allow port forwarding (so I’d have to buy a new one, or try to sweet-talk the support to give me a permission to “play” with it). Perhaps Tailscale can help with that (yet to try it - and would appreciate feedback if anyone’s already done that).

Hope this helps at least a bit.


For me I am running a Linux VM for the site so I just use ABB to backup the whole thing.

Mostly just comes down to how the site is hosted.

My Site is on a commercially hosted service provider which uses cPanel as it’s management platform.
I picked one of those Linux Shared Hosting packages which are not expensive and I’m not running a content management system such as Word Press or anything like that.
My site consist of plain HTML/PHP files (no database).

So ideal solution would have been FTP synchronization feature on synology but they don’t have that opton.