Hi All I am new here and new to the NAS world. I am looking to buy my first NAS and specifically was looking at DS923+ doing my research and seeing some are saying don’t buy it yet wait for the new version the reasoning was this unit has a older CPU that’s is about 4 years old. My question is should I wait for the new release? How long is the timeframe for new version.
Really depends on what you want to do with your NAS. This time frame is unique in that there is a strong possibility that tariffs might be in play next year. You should take that into consideration. Black Friday was probably the best time to make a move. I picked up the DS923+ because it was 100 dollars off on Black Friday. But I also already have a DS220+. Reason why I mention this is because the 923+ doesn’t have a cpu with encoding/decoding abilities built in. Or I should say, there’s no integrated graphics so the CPU has to do ALL the work the hard way. Whereas the 220+ has an integrated graphics so it does the decoding work (if you’re using Emby on Plex to make your NAS perform media serving duties) so whatever client you’re using to view your media doesn’t have to do all the work.
That being said my 923+ is snappier than the 220+ and pretty much all my client devices (except one) have the ability to do the heavy work so all I really need is a box to send the media as is and let my client apps do the work. Unfortunately that one client is kind of important for me and the wife so I do need to have the 220+ work. I probably could get away with just the 923+ serving up only that one client but I’d have to see if that’s even possible with Emby.
Long story there I know, lol. But without knowing what exactly it is you want to do with your NAS it’s hard to give advice. But you’re going to have to think about the possibility of tariffs kicking in. And who knows what else. However if you feel that what is currently out there is not exactly what you want now then you should think about waiting. Problem with that is you may wait for something that comes along and doesn’t wow you. Which was pretty much the case for the DS923+ when it first came out LOL.
Waiting never ends…
Thank you your input, main use would be back up, I am also interested in storing and sharing my photos with family. I need to brush up on the Synology Photos
Thank you
Synology Photos shouldn’t be an issue. I have it in effect myself with mine and wife’s iphones and everything is fine. If you’re just “backing up” files then the 923+ is fine. Keep in mind, everyone will tell you that “a NAS is not a backup” and they are right. If the NAS is going to be the ONLY place where you’re files are at then it’s not a backup. It’s external storage. If you have the same files on both your computer and the NAS at the same time then in some aspects it could be considered a backup. But you should by an external drive (like those HP drives Passports and MyBooks etc.) and backup the NAS to that. Then you’d truly have a backup situation going on. Not the ideal as you’ll soon come to find out from chatter and videos, but still much better than nothing.
I would get the 923+. There is always a new version coming out. For what you want, it will be good. I would also encourage you to look at all of the capabilities that the NAS provides, beyond external storage and backup for things like Time Machine. For example, photos is great. I love the VPN capability, etc.