NAS is constantly Disconnecting

I have DS1821+ set up at work, with both ten gig ports plugged in. I’m having an issue where all the editors get disconnected from it every time their computer goes to sleep. So, whenever I edit a project again, all the files are offline. It’s an easy fix, but I would love to know how to constantly keep the NAS connected to MacStudio. My computer is on the same network as my NAS. I assume this is a network issue within my company, but I wasn’t sure if anyone had a suggestion. Did I miss a check box that says “connect automatically”??

I would take one computer and disable sleep mode for a test. Same for the NAS (disable hibernation).

By the way, is the connection established after a restart or re-logon of the Mac?

Great idea! Whether I restart or log on, I always have to reconnect. I’m using the SMB to connect. Maybe that’s just the process, but that wasn’t the case a while ago; it was just always connected.

I don’t have a solution- but can confirm that I have the same problem with my Mac’s to a DS1621+. I have a Windows box that doesn’t suffer this issue. Will check my Linux box- but haven’t been using that much recently.

I guess it is a Mac problem


Just did a search - seems to be a common problem with Macs. Lots of people posting - no solution though.

For the Mac, go to Settings and Search for Open at Login and see if adding it there helps with this problem. Not sure it will if it’s sleep related.