Photos - Users have no personal photo folder

Hi there,
i’ve set up Synology Photos on a DS818J that was just updated to DSM 7.0. Everthing is just working fine, but the users in the “Familiy” Group (according to the YT-Video) do not get a personal “Photos” folder. Only the admin account with witch I configured photos got the folder. Where did I go wrong?

Excuse my poor english,
greetings from Germany!


I just checked my DS220j with DSM v7.1 and that appears to be the case here too.
Photos in Disk Station appear to be system wide.

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Hello, photos concerns the shared area. Individual photo folders are subordinated to the respective user under home>photo. Application permission must be enabled for the corresponding user. The shared area can be assigned to users in the application admin interface.

Best regards

Hallo, photos betrifft den gemeinsamen Bereich. Individuelle Foto Ordner sind dem jeweiligen Benutzer unter home>photo untergeordnet. Die Anwendungsberechtigung muss für den entsprechenden Benutzer freigegeben sein. Der gemeinsame Bereich kann in der Adminestrationsoberfläche der Applikation an Benutzer zugewiesen werden.

Beste Grüße

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To be exactly: The folder “photo” (for everbody) exists, but the folder “photos” :
homes > example-user > photos
does only exist under the admin user, not under a normal user.
The application permissions are set to the group “family” where all the normal users are in.
That’s my problem.