Recovery of deleted Photographic Files from a NAS DSM 920+

My request is a simple one.

I accidentally deleted some historical photos in my DSM 920+. I have no backups. I have tried software that to recover files and photos from NAS’s, Total failure.

I was using Synology NAS photos.

Is there a way to recover any files. My NAS OS is Btrfs.

If there is a way to recover photo files, can you please make a video

Thanking you for you consideration.

Did you happen to have Snapshots enabled?

No I did not have Snapshot enabled. A rookie and senior mistake.

Was recycle bin for the folder enabled?

If not you may need someone who specializes in computer forensics.
Will might know a good company.

Again, recycle bin was not enabled…a big rookie error.

I find it very interesting that you cannot recover files from btrfs. Are there no contingency plans in place if backups and snapshots were not done? Surely one would expect that Synology would have such a software to deal with such issues.