Slow upload speed and USB transfer speed

Currently using 918+ for the past 6 years. Been having the following issues so hoping anyone could help on it.

1. Slow internet/LAN upload speed:
All the while the upload speed were really slow when attempting to upload via Internet Connection. We thought that it maybe our internet issue hence we tried transferring directly from laptop (Macbook) to the NAS DS918+ via LAN cable. However the speed is still slow like only 10-20 MBps

We have check and confirmed the following:

  • LAN cable is cat5e

  • User has unlimited download and upload speed

  • Storage is not full

2. Slow transfer speed from external HDD to NAS

Due to the slow internet speed, we were thinking maybe internet/LAN connection transfer is just not for us, so we tried to connect the HDD (Cruxial X1) directly to the NAS. However, it is still the same only 10-20MBps transfer speed.

Had also confirmed on the following :

We have check and confirmed the following:

  • USB cable is USB 3.0

  • User has unlimited download and upload speed

  • Storage is not full

Currently the external HDD is FAT32 format and read that changing to NTFS format would improve transfer speed. Is that true because Macbook is not NTFS friendly without 3rd party tools and we hope not to use 3rd party tools.

Are there anything else we missed out from fixing this slow transfer speed issue? Really hope anyone could help us as getting this NAS is slowly becoming our worst investment