I installed Synology Drive following some of Will’s tutorials. After install, Homes folders were not turned on so I went to User Home and enabled user home service. Then I went to the Synology Drive Admin Console and the My Drive (home) folder was there. I wanted to turn off versioning so I went to settings, unchecked the enable version control, and hit ok. I get an error message “Unable to perform this operation. Please try again”. The versioning is set to Maximum 8 versions and if I try to change that to anything else I get the same error. I tried disabling and then enabling but same problem. I had no trouble with disabling versioning with other Team folders. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
I have no suggestions how to solve this. I have Synology Drive running on a NAS with User Home service enabled and without versioning on the My Drive (home) team folder.
I would contact Synology support. I would be happy to hear back from you when I have solved it.
Thanks for your response. I did open up a support ticket with Synology which resulted in 6 days of back and forth with their support center. It was fairly frustrating, and I was getting mostly canned responses. They did ask me to uninstall Synology Drive and then download from their website and install. Didn’t help. They wanted remote access, which I reluctantly granted. I was not worried about privacy because I don’t have any sensitive information on the NAS. I was just worried they might brick the NAS. Anyway, they finally escalated it to their “senior support engineering team”. Three hours later someone logged on and installed some Synology Drive Update Package, according to the logs. That fixed the problem. So all is good now.