Synology Photos - error playing videos

I recorded a bunch of videos at a concert recently and I’m unable to playback the videos within Synology photos. Anyone experience this issue? How do I resolve?

Error: The file format or audio codec is not supported. You can download DS file for better compatibility.

Have you installed advanced media extensions from the package center? This may be it due to it being h265.

I’m having the same issue on my wife’s iPhone. I’ve tested numerous different scenarios and it appears there are several interesting things happening here: the first is that this only happens with videos that someone else has taken and added to the Shared Space or the shared album, it does not happen with videos she’s taken; second, it does not happen to my phone with videos she’s added to the Shared Space or the shared album (my phone will play videos that someone else has added); next, her phone will only throw the error when she’s using cellular data, such as when we’re away from home or if I turn off the wifi on her phone – when we’re at home, and on the network, the videos will play with no problem; lastly, this problem is only happening on her iPhone, not when she logs into Synology Photos on her computer. Also, I already have Advanced Media Extensions installed on my DS220+. Any thoughts as to why her phone will not play videos taken by someone else if she’s using cellular?

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I did install it, but I’m receiving the same message. Now every video I play is displaying the same message. I’m not sure what I’m missing. I’m only playing back videos recorded from my iphone 13. I’ve been doing this since I purchased my NAS device. Any suggestions


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Does it make sense that Synology support asking for Admin User Name / Password?

Yes, synology does use this to enable remote access.

What I would do is create them an account, then also make sure to set yourself a reminder to remove it after a few days.