Tailscale "Sharing" for other users

After successfully setting up remote access for myself using Tailscale, I would like to allow other users to also access remotely. Is there a checklist of options I must enable to accomplish this?
My thoughts, what am I missing?

Create New NAS User
Edit New User permissions for appropriate shared folders
Have New User create new tailscale account for themselves
Share ‘My device (NAS)’ with them from within my Tailscale admin console

When they login - they must select ‘shared’ devices? This is where I am not sure what happens next. I found the ability to share my device on the Tailscale admin console, but I don’t know exactly what they will see? Will they have to first connect to this device via the local network, like I had to the first time, or does this sharing function ‘just work’.

Appreciate the help in advance :+1:

I’m currently trying to get this figured out as well. Have you found any solutions since your posting?
