What are you self hosting in your HomeLab?

What are you self hosting?

I have an upcoming video going over what I am self hosting, so I figure it would be fun to hear what other people are self hosting in their homeLabs! Also let me know if anyone wants a deeper write up on any of theses.

My Rack

Currently located in @katie’s office! Not too loud!


Overall I mostly use a new VM for every single service that I want to self host. This allows me to really limit downtime / monitor every single item individually. Plus it makes IPv4 networking pretty easy!

The downside of this setup is ram usage! But thankfully both my hosts have 128 gigs of ram / 48 gigs which is more than enough. Each service is normally a ubuntu server 20.04.2 (LTS) VM, so they only need 512 megabytes of ram min (I normally start with 1 gig)

What I am self hosting: :spacerex:

Service Description
Plex Share ripped DVD’s on my LAN + really great for music (closed source software)
Gitea Really lightweight git client with a web interface, used for version controlling all of my code / scripts
MariaDB SQL database server that is a drop in replacement of MySQL (make sure to backup)
phpMyAdmin Great web interface for my MariaDB server. Lets you easily add users / tables, without typing any SQL
NextCloud Used as a google drive / suite replacement. I personally do not use this a ton, though I am planning on using this to replace Synology Drive for sharing data to clients
bind bind is a DNS server that can run on any linux box. I created a subdomain .sr.spacerex.co which has local DNS entries for everything that I am running
homebridge home bridge allows you to take pretty much any smart home device, and bring it into the Apple HomeKit ecosystem.
Xen Orchestra Xen Orchestra is a phenomenal interface for managing XCP-NG virtual machines. It has some of the best backup software out there for VMs too!
Zabbix Zabbix is a crucial part of how I manage / monitor, well everything and anything! I use it to monitor my own services, as well as client NAS units
Synology Can’t forget this! Synology has tons and tons of stuff that you really can use. I probably will do a similar post over there just going over Synology services!
OpenVPN I have created an OpenVPN server that allows client Sinology’s to connect to a VLAN for both monitoring and backups, without having any ports open to the internet

What Hardware I am using:

(just going to include the software)

Type Device Use Case
NAS TrueNAS Scale Used for both bulk file storage, and my fast video editing NAS (25GbE)
NAS Synology Used for tons of stuff, Synology Photos, Synology Drive, backing everything up, you name it, it does it
VM Host XCP-NG Used as the hypervisor for all of my virtual machines, managed by Xen Orchestra
Router UDM-Pro Using a UDM pro for my router, right not its just easy and has enough features that it does everything I need, without having too much customization to get me in trouble

I am sure I missed something here! This will be updated as I add more things!

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so they only need 512 gigs of ram min

yikes! :thinking: :grin:

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Whoops! Meant to be megabytes of ram! Updated

Link to the video going over all of this!