Will this work -- Start with 1 had drive and add more later

Hello all,

Very new here, hoping you can guide me.

Wanting to start with a 4 bay NAS and only one hard drive for $$$ sake. I know with that arrangement I can’t use RAID to have a back up. Wondering if there is a problem with, then adding a second HD and implementing a backup with RAID.

I know I am possibly not using the terminologies correct, but I hope you understand what I am saying.



Look at using SHR for your storage pool. It provides the flexibility of adding drives as you go and will provide you with data redundancy.

As the other user said, start with one disk with RAID type SHR.

Please, do not confuse RAID with backup. It is not. RAID increases availability. A backup to an external disk or device helps you overcome all kinds of accidental loss that RAID does not provide for.