Full Systsem Backup using DSM 7.2

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How is this achieved in DSM 7.2? I don’t see an option when setting up a new task -

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It is announced for August. Currently available as beta in the package center

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Ooops… must go to specsavers :smile:

I am really excited to finally test this thing out!


Look forward to your assessment of it Will :+1:

I saw that email and was confused also. I don’t really want to run beta for something as important as backup.

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My biggest question: can you restore partial data or are you forced to restore everything at once when using full backups?

also can you browse your full backup folders like you can with regular backups?

I know for a business that has a lot of data, recovery comes in steps with the most important data being restored first. Since, a full recovery could take days or weeks.


Hi Will
The latest update has now dropped - any progress on your assessment and/or setup please?