Just a quick note on adding community built packages to your Synology that can make your life easier:
Step 1
Skip this step if you are on DSM7 or later.
Log into your NAS as administrator and go to Main Menu → Package Center → Settings and set Trust Level to Synology Inc. and trusted publishers.
Step 2
In the Package Sources tab, click Add, type SynoCommunity as Name and https://packages.synocommunity.com/ as Location and then press OK to validate.
Step 3
Go back to the Package Center and enjoy SynoCommunity’s packages in the Community tab."
Some of the packages I have come to rely on from there are: SynoCli Monitor tools, SynoCli File tools, SynoCli Network tools. Other creature comforts like vim come in handy for me for when I ssh in, if there is interest, I can add some info here on how I use these. Let me know what are some of your favorite tools and how you use them
Thanks also for putting out the ones you actually use. For me I have a lot of trouble recommending unofficial packages, as you just don’t know 100% of what you are getting unless you actually read the code (which I just do not have time for). Having actual tested and used tools is really helpful!
I must be missing something - how do you access the SynoCli Network Tools after they are installed? what port is opened on the Synology to access over the web?